Necessary Networking
Networking is the life blood for many businesses. However, there are many business people who really do not know how to network. This workshop will go over the ‘basics’ that you need to turn your next networking event into a successful one that will help you grow your business. We will cover:
- Memorable Marketing Massage
- Networking with purpose, what is your plan?
- Have a follow up system
- Fish in the right pond
- Non-verbal Communication
- Your energy introduces you before you speak!
- Dress professional yet memorable
- your facial expression and how you carry yourself (nonverbal communication)
Folding Time
Time management is an important tool for any business. However, time is a linear ‘constant’ that really cannot be managed! How would it be if you could ‘fold’ time? Well, you can!
The old way of managing time does not work in our fast paced, ever changing, dynamic business environment where we are always being asked to do more with less.
Folding Time is about being accountable for our time, engaging our attention and leveraging our energy. Learn how to take half as long to achieve twice as much!
This unique look at time management will change how you view time!
- Public Speaking and Presentation Skills – How to Get that WOW Factor!
- Custom Workshops and Seminars
If you have a specific need, we will develop content for you!